
Close Grip Barbell Bicep Curl: A Video Guide to Perfect Execution

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close grip barbell bicep curl

A close grip barbell bicep curl is a strength training exercise that specifically targets the biceps brachii muscles. By simply adjusting your grip on the barbell to a closer position, you can significantly change the impact of the exercise on your upper arm muscles.

So, whether you’re looking to enhance your physical appearance or boost your athletic performance, the close grip barbell bicep curl is an excellent addition to your workout routine.

What is a Close Grip Barbell Bicep Curl?

A close grip barbell bicep curl is a variation of the traditional barbell curl that targets your biceps. The exercise involves holding the barbell with your hands closer together than in a standard barbell curl. This small adjustment places greater emphasis on the bicep muscles and less stress on the wrists and forearms, providing a more focused workout for your upper arms.

Close Grip Barbell Bicep Curl: A Video Guide to Perfect Execution

Importance of Close Grip Barbell Bicep Curl

The Close Grip Barbell Bicep Curl is a fundamental exercise for arm strengthening. It primarily targets the biceps brachii and brachialis, enhancing arm muscle definition and promoting upper body strength. Notably, its close grip variation places a unique emphasis on the outer head of the bicep, aiding in achieving well-rounded arm development

Anatomy and Muscles Worked

The biceps brachii, commonly known as the biceps, is a large muscle in the upper arm that stretches from the shoulder to the elbow. It consists of two parts: the long head and the short head. These work together to allow your arm to flex at the elbow, rotate your forearm, and stabilize your shoulder.

The close grip barbell bicep curl specifically targets the biceps brachii. The close grip position puts the biceps in an optimal position for activation and growth, making this exercise highly effective for bicep development.

Muscles Targeted by the Close Grip Barbell Bicep Curl

Close Grip Barbell Bicep Curl: A Video Guide to Perfect Execution

The close grip barbell bicep curl primarily targets the following muscles:

  • Biceps Brachii: This is the primary muscle worked during this exercise. Both the long and short heads of the bicep are engaged, leading to increased size and strength.
  • Brachialis: Located underneath the biceps brachii, this muscle also helps in flexing the elbow and gets worked during the exercise.
  • Brachioradialis: This is a muscle of the forearm. It assists in the curling motion and helps stabilize the movement.
  • Forearm Muscles: Although not the primary focus, the muscles in the forearms are engaged as they help to maintain a firm grip on the barbell.

Proper Technique for Close Grip Barbell Bicep Curl

Close Grip Barbell Bicep Curl

A. Set-Up and Equipment Needed

To perform the Close Grip Barbell Bicep Curl, you’ll need the following equipment:

  • You will need a barbell for this exercise.
  • Choose a weight that is challenging but allows you to maintain good form throughout the exercise.

B. Step-by-Step Guide

Here’s a detailed breakdown of how to execute the exercise correctly:

  1. Initial Position
  • Stand upright with your feet hip-width apart and a slight bend in your knees.
  • Hold the barbell with an underhand grip (palms facing forward), and your hands closer together than shoulder width, almost touching.
  • Let the bar hang in front of your thighs.

2. Execution of the Exercise:

  • Brace your core and keep your elbows close to your torso at all times.
  • Curl the bar upwards in a semicircular motion until your forearms touch your biceps.
  • Ensure that only your forearms move – your upper arms should remain stationary.
  • Exhale as you perform this movement and contract your biceps hard at the top of the lift.
  • Slowly lower the bar back down to the starting position while inhaling. This should be done in a controlled manner – don’t let the bar just drop.
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions

3. Breathing Tips

  • Inhale as you lower the barbell, and exhale as you curl it upwards.
  • Proper breathing is crucial as it helps to generate more power and keeps you focused.

Remember, maintaining the correct form is more important than the amount of weight. Always start with lighter weights and increase them as your strength improves. If you experience any pain during the exercise, stop immediately and consult a fitness professional.

Benefits of Close Grip Barbell Bicep Curl

  1. Bicep Development: The close grip barbell bicep curl primarily targets the biceps brachii, leading to improved muscle size and strength in this area.
  2. Improved Grip Strength: By holding the barbell with a close grip, you also engage and strengthen the muscles in your forearms.
  3. Versatility: This exercise can be easily incorporated into different workout routines and can be performed with various types of equipment like barbells and EZ bars.
  4. Increased Arm Definition: Regularly performing this exercise can lead to more defined arms due to the specific targeting of the bicep muscles.
  5. Better Muscle Balance: It can help achieve better symmetry between the two heads of the biceps brachii, contributing to balanced muscle development.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when performing close grip barbell bicep curls:

  1. Using Excessive Momentum: This can lead to engaging your back or shoulders to lift the weight, reducing the effectiveness of the exercise on your biceps and increasing the risk of injury.
  2. Shortening the Range of Motion: It’s crucial not to cut your movement short. Ensure that you fully extend your arms at the bottom and curl the barbell high enough to fully contract your biceps at the top.
  3. Flexing Your Wrist: Avoid involving your forearms more than necessary by flexing your wrists during the exercise. This can put unnecessary stress on your wrist joints. Keep your wrists straight throughout the exercise.
  4. Arching Your Back: Maintain a neutral spine throughout the movement. Arching your back can shift the focus away from your biceps and potentially lead to lower back pain.
  5. Gripping Too Hard: Squeezing the bar too hard can lead to unnecessary strain on your hands and forearms, shifting focus away from your biceps. Maintain a firm but relaxed grip.
  6. Neglecting Different Angles and Bars: Don’t get stuck in a routine of always using the same bar or angle. Varying your workout can help target different parts of your biceps and promote balanced muscle development.
  7. Starting with a Poor Exercise Choice: Make sure to start your workout with an exercise that effectively targets your biceps. Starting with a less effective exercise can lead to fatigue and reduced performance in subsequent exercises.

Close Grip Barbell Bicep Curl Variations

Reverse Grip Barbell Curl

This variation targets the brachialis muscle that lies underneath the biceps brachii.

Technique and Execution:

  • Stand up straight with a barbell in your hands, palms facing down (reverse grip).
  • Keep your elbows close to your torso at all times.
  • Curl the weights while contracting the biceps as you breathe out. Only the forearms should move.
  • Continue the movement until your biceps are fully contracted and the bar is at shoulder level.
  • Slowly begin to bring the bar back to the starting position as you breathe in.

Close-Grip EZ Bar Curl

The EZ bar is designed to reduce wrist strain and allows for different grip positions.

Proper Form and Execution:

  • Stand up straight while holding an EZ curl bar at the close inner handle.
  • The palms of your hands should be facing forward and they should be slightly tilted inward due to the shape of the bar.
  • Keep your elbows close to your torso. This will be your starting position.
  • Now, while keeping your upper arms stationary, exhale and curl the weights while contracting your biceps.
  • Continue to raise the weight until your biceps are fully contracted and the bar is at shoulder level. Hold the contracted position for a brief moment as you squeeze your biceps.
  • Inhale and slowly begin to lower the bar back to the starting position.

Close-Grip Hammer Curl

Hammer curls target the brachialis and brachioradialis, a muscle of the forearm.

Proper Form and Execution:

  • Stand up with your torso upright and a dumbbell on each hand being held at arm’s length. The elbows should be close to the torso.
  • The palms of the hands should be facing your torso. This will be your starting position.
  • While holding the upper arm stationary, curl the right weight as you rotate the palms of the hands until they are facing forward. At this point continue to contract the biceps as you breathe out until your biceps is fully contracted and the dumbbells are at shoulder level.
  • Hold the contracted position for a brief moment as you squeeze the biceps.
  • Slowly begin to bring the dumbbells back to the starting position as you breathe in.

Incorporating Close Grip Barbell Bicep Curl into Your Workout Routine

Incorporating the Close Grip Barbell Bicep Curl into your workout routine can be very beneficial for building arm strength and size. Here’s how you can integrate it effectively:

Frequency and Sets/Reps:

  • Do close grip barbell bicep curls 2-3 times a week.
  • Aim for 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions each session.

Complementary Exercises:

  • Balance your workout with tricep-focused exercises like close-grip bench presses or tricep pushdowns.
  • Include shoulder and back exercises like overhead presses or rows.

When to Do Them:

  • Perform these curls towards the end of your workout.
  • Prioritize compound movements that work for multiple muscle groups at the beginning of your workout.
  • Your arms should be warmed up from these larger movements before starting with the bicep curls.

Tips to Maximize Results and Safety

To get the most out of your Close Grip Barbell Bicep Curl while ensuring safety, consider these tips:

  1. Proper Form: Always prioritize correct form over lifting heavy weights. Incorrect form can lead to injuries and less effective workouts.
  2. Controlled Movements: Perform each rep with control, particularly during the lowering phase. This increases muscle tension and can lead to better results.
  3. Warm-Up: Always warm up before starting your workout to prepare your muscles and prevent injuries.
  4. Rest: Give your muscles time to recover between workouts. Overtraining can hinder your progress and increase injury risk.
  5. Progressive Overload: Gradually increase the weight you’re lifting over time. This challenges your muscles and promotes growth.
  6. Balanced Diet: Combine your workout routine with a balanced diet rich in protein to support muscle recovery and growth.
  7. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workout to keep your body hydrated and functioning optimally.
  8. Consistency: Stick to your workout routine. Consistent training is key to achieving long-term results.
  9. Listen to Your Body: If you feel pain or discomfort during an exercise, stop and rest. Pushing through pain can cause injuries.
  10. Professional Guidance: Consider working with a personal trainer or coach, especially as a beginner, to ensure you’re performing exercises correctly and safely.

By following these tips, you can optimize your results and maintain a safe workout routine.

Why Choose Close Grip Barbell Bicep Curl?

The close grip barbell bicep curl has unique advantages that make it a great addition to any workout routine:

  1. Targeted Muscle Activation: The close grip technique targets the biceps brachii muscle more intensely than other variations. This can lead to greater muscle growth and definition in this area.
  2. Increased Intensity: By narrowing your grip, you’re increasing the intensity of the exercise. This can challenge your muscles in a new way and promote further growth.
  3. Improved Grip Strength: The close grip technique also works your forearms and improves grip strength, which can benefit other lifts.
  4. Versatility: This exercise can be performed with various equipment like barbells, dumbbells, or resistance bands, making it versatile and adaptable to different training environments.

Comparison with Other Bicep Exercises

ExerciseEffectivenessUnique Advantage
Close Grip Barbell Bicep CurlHighTargets biceps brachii intensely, improves grip strength
Standard Bicep CurlMediumWorks both heads of the biceps evenly
Targets biceps brachii intensely improves grip strengthMediumWorks the brachialis, a muscle that can push your biceps up more
Concentration CurlLowIsolates the biceps, eliminating momentum for strict muscle growth

Remember, the effectiveness of an exercise can vary depending on an individual’s fitness level, form, and consistency. It’s always beneficial to incorporate a variety of exercises into your workout routine to target your muscles from different angles.

Frequent Question Answers

By addressing the following frequently asked questions, we hope to provide clarity and guidance on incorporating the Close Grip Barbell Bicep Curl into your fitness routine. Remember to listen to your body, start at an appropriate level, and gradually progress for optimal results.

What muscles does the close grip barbell bicep curl target?This exercise primarily targets the biceps brachii muscle. It also works on your forearms and improves grip strength.
How should my grip be in a close grip barbell bicep curl?Your hands should be shoulder-width apart or closer. The narrower the grip, the more intensely it targets the biceps.
Can I do close grip barbell bicep curl every day?It’s not recommended to train the same muscle group every day. Give your biceps time to rest and recover, ideally 48 hours, before training them again.
Is the close grip barbell bicep curl better than other bicep exercises?Not necessarily better, but it provides unique benefits like greater bicep brachii activation and improved grip strength. It’s beneficial to include a variety of exercises in your routine.
What weight should I use for close grip barbell bicep curl?Start with a weight that allows you to comfortably perform 10-12 reps with good form. As you get stronger, you can gradually increase the weight.
Should I use a barbell or dumbbells for close grip curls?Both can be effective. Barbells may allow you to lift heavier weights, while dumbbells can help correct muscle imbalances.
I’m feeling pain in my wrists during the exercise, what should I do?If you feel any pain, stop the exercise immediately. It could be due to improper form or too heavy weight. Consider seeking advice from a fitness professional.

Remember, everyone’s body responds differently to exercise. What works best for one person might not work as well for another. Always listen to your body and adjust your workout routine as needed.



In conclusion, the close grip barbell bicep curl is a versatile and effective exercise for enhancing bicep definition and improving grip strength. Its unique advantages make it a worthy addition to any arm-focused workout routine.

We encourage you to try the close grip barbell bicep curl in your next workout. Share your experiences with us and feel free to reach out with any questions or comments. Your fitness journey is ours too, let’s make it count together!


  1. Steel Supplements: “How to Do Close Grip Barbell Curls: Form, Benefits.” Source
  2. Wikipedia: “Bicep Curl.” Source
  3. Quora: “What is the difference between a close and wide grip bicep curl?” Source
  4. Set For Set: “Barbell Curls: Benefits, Muscles Worked, Variations, How-To.” Source
  5. Fitness Volt: “Barbell Curl For Bigger Biceps: How To Guide, Variations, And Tips.” Source
  6. Muscle Mag Fitness: “Barbell Standing Close Grip Curl.” Source
  7. AthleanX: “How to Do Barbell Curls” Source

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